August Thirsty 3rd Thursday!

August 15th
BT Longhorn Saloon & Steakhouse
Brenham, Texas
5:30pm more or less  🙂

Howdy Ags!

The August 3rd Thursday comes pretty early this time. But it’s never too early to get together for Aggie fun and fellowship!

This month we will downtown at BT Longhorn Saloon. We hope to have a great turnout this month, so invite friends and help us make this monthly event an Aggie tradition in Brenham.

Here’s the scoop…

  • Gather at 5:30 pm (or as soon as you can get there) and stay as long as you want.
  • Drinks, food, and refreshments of all sorts are available for purchase.
  • It’s a great way to meet other area Aggies, and our turnout keeps growing.

See you on Thursday, August 15th. All Aggies and their friends are encouraged to attend.

Gig ’em,

Washington County A&M Club